September 7, 2010

Easy Glam Pin

I fell in love with this lovely pin from Newport News, and decided to come up with a similar look within my budget.

Here are the directions to making this simple little glam pin:

1 square of black felt
E600 glue and Tacky glue
various faceted flat backed beads
7/8" black Grograin ribbon
glue on pin backs
Optional dangle bead for accent

Step 1
Cut a 3 inch circle and a 1.5" circle out of the black felt
Cut 3 pieces of ribbon 4.5" long
Cut 9 pieces of ribbon 5" long
Cut 1 piece of ribbon 10" long
Cut 2 pieces of ribbon 9" long

Lay out your ribbon design on the large felt circle, pinning as you go to get the look you want.
Start with an even design at the top using the 5" pieces of ribbon,
and cascade the longer lengths at the bottom. Using the 10" as the focal length
and then setting the two9" long ones to one side so it angles up.

When you are happy with the design, Tacky glue the ribbon down.
With the 4.5" lengths of ribbon, glue them on top of the 9" ones creating a bit of
contrast in size here and there.

Now glue the smaller circle on top of these ribbon ends to create a base for your beads.
Lay out your bead design until you are happy, Tacky glue them down.

Glue pin back to the upper one third of  back with E6000 glue.
Oh yea, use this glue in a well ventelated place, or it's magaurita time without the drinks :)

An optional design would be to use a fancy heirloom pin for the center instead of glueing on the gems.

You may do this same design, without the pin back, and attatch to a headband for that special hair accessory.

I am planning on making some red ones for my Red Hat Ladies, and some pink ones for some teens I know. These make awesome inexpesive but glamourous pins, which are all the rage right now. And with the Holidays coming, this is a fun project for simple gifts for everyone.

Happy Crafting!